Tuesday 23 June 2009

Training On the Move

You may be wondering what the relevance of this picture of Optimus Prime is, and I'm glad you asked. In fact though, it has no relevance it just looks awesome and I've just seen the new film. It's brilliant.

Anyway, on to the point of this post. The last week or so I've been in Guildford in the build up to graduating. Unfrotunately though my tenancy has run out in halls, so I'm house surfing and living out of my sister's car (not the most manly vehicle). It's sort of cool and I feel a bit like captain Jack Sparrow or a gypsy, but the problem is that it makes it very hard to train. Luckily I've found some ways around this problem however, and I thought I'd share my experiences.

Exercise wise I'm lucky in that my gym membership hasn't run out yet. So I'm parking up at the side of the road, getting changed in the car then using the gym and showers before coming back. Showering nude with up to eleven other guys isn't great, but sometimes it's the only access to washing I've had. On the day of my graduation I'm looking forward to the prospect of heading to the gym, doing a heavy workout, then emerging from the changing rooms kitted out in my tailored tux. How Bond is that?

Fitting around other people's schedules sometimes however means that I can't always make it to the gym in which case I have other options. Sit ups and press ups for example are acceptible I believe at a friends house so long as you're quiet and you can also use chairs to support your hands and feet giving you an extended range of motion. For CV I've been going for runs which you can do anywhere so long as you have access to a shower afterwards.

Protein is a bit more of problem. I've lived out of my car before while I was visiting on placement and that time I brought a bunch of raw eggs. These cracked and covered my dissertation proposal in yolk, so that's not a good idea as it turns out. This time I've bought myself some sachets of 'Whey to Go', which is foul and crap but probably better than nothing. I've then been attempting to pour this into water bottles; however while standing by the car in strong wind this has occcasionally resulted in a dashboard covered in protein... I'm dead when I return the car.

The only other difficulty is updating the site and writing. This has resulted in late night/early morning sessions at other people's houses, going back onto campus, and occasionally sitting outside random houses and stealing their wireless. Playing with my new Optimus Prime toy while sitting on the side of the road got me some weird looks, but I could totally live like this if my life goes to shit...

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