Tuesday 24 November 2009

New Stuff at The Biomatrix and Friends

The Biomatrix as you know, is more than a mere website, it is a living breathing organism. It is in the shape of an octapus too, and like any good organism, it has tendrils which it is now extending throughout the internet. Oh and also... it evolves...

As a result there is now an awesome search bar on the front page bellow the new videos that will enable to you search the biomatrix for related subjects. Want to improve your pecs? Type 'pecs' and press enter. It's brilliant!

But it won't only show you results from the Biomatrix, but the whole of the NQR Network. NQR Network, you repeat irritatingly, what is that? Well it's the new conglomerate of new related sites from the producers of the Biomatrix, and that includes first of all: www.psychological-warfare.com - our brand new website! For everything you need to know about outsmarting your opponents using psychology.

Finally, as though all that wasn't enough you can now follow NQR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/NotQuiteReality

So go and do those things!

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